
Since 22 April 2022, B&P Beerli & Partner AG has been licensed by FINMA (Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority) as an asset manager pursuant to Art. 2 para. 1 lit. a and Art. 5 para. 1 of the Federal Act of 15 June 2018 on Financial Institutions (Financial Institutions Act, FINIG; SR 954.1).

B&P Beerli & Partner AG is supervised by the supervisory organisation FINcontrol Suisse AG.
FINcontrol Suisse AG, General-Guisan-Str. 6, 6300 Zug

Ombud Office

Do you feel misunderstood or unable to understand a decision? If direct communication with us does not help, our Ombud Office FINOS offers you independent and neutral help in any disputes on legal claims. It can give advice and examine your issue.

You can find information on any administrative costs relating to conciliation procedures on the FINOS Website.

Finanzombudsstelle Schweiz (FINOS), Talstrasse 20, 8001 Zurich
+41 44 552 08 00, ,